Poster Series: Layout Deconstruction

  • Date: 2020
  • Media: digital prints

One of three projects for my MFA thesis, this is a deconstruction of the page layouts of twelve issues of the academic journal Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. By focusing on only the graphic content of each issue, the page layouts and structural forms of the issue are revealed through interactions between lines, shapes and colors.

When combined, these interactions yield new forms that show the issue as a reassembled whole and provide insight to the methods used in the issue’s production.

These new forms are presented as a set of twelve digitally-printed posters. This work explores how scientists share information with one another, but in a visual and aesthetic sense rather than an epistemological one once there is no manuscript text to read.

These abstractions run counter to the source material’s concrete presentation of an interpretation of data. Science wants to get closer to truth, but these images encourage the viewer’s truth to manifest.

Printed poster

Digital images of all twelve posters are below.