T-Shirt: Rock Against Racism

  • Date: 2019
  • Media: screen-printed t-shirt
  • Size: S, M, L, XL

I am a soccer fan, and in particular a fan of Chicago Fire. When the Fire and Minnesota United FC met in early 2019, I took the chance to make a t-shirt for supporters of both clubs. The shirt was sold in conjunction with a concert held prior to the game and proceeds were directed towards anti-racism activism in the Chicagoland area. The design is Swiss-international inspired so as to provide an appealing, commercially-viable product for discerning soccer fans.

mockup of Rock Against Racism t-shirt, black shirt with red, blue, and grey text and stars
mockup of Rock Against Racism t-shirt, black shirt with red, blue, and grey text and stars

The imagery is a coupling of the six-pointed star from the Chicago Flag in red with the same six-pointed star in grey representing L’Etoile du Nord, the nickname of Minnesota. The intersection of the stars blends the colors, with the side effect being the light blue of the Chicago Flag, which is also one of the primary colors of Minnesota United—a representation of the shared bond between fans of both clubs. Wonderwall (Minnesota) and Section 8 Chicago are the supporters organizations of the clubs. The Minnesota star is oriented towards the northwest and the Chicago star to the southeast, mimicking the geographical orientation of each location.